Rejoice in the Lord always; and again I say, rejoice!

Finally, brethren, whatsoever is true, whatsoever is honorable, whatsoever is just, whatsoever is pure, whatsoever is lovely, whatsoever is gracious, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think on these things.

My teaching philosophy rests squarely on my faith. I believe that all creativity is a gift from Our Lord and in being creative we reflect the creative nature of God, who created all things and called them good and very good. I believe that the desire to make music is a good and joyful thing that should be nourished, whether the person making music turns out to be a prodigy or a professional or ‘just an ordinary person who enjoys singing/playing’. I believe that when we are given gifts, we are responsible for using them to the best of our ability–the offering of the first fruits of our labor, the right use of the talent (think of the parable).

I believe that teaching must edify and build up the student in a complete way, in the discipline being taught but equally importantly in their personal/spiritual lives. While I am always teaching my students to strive for excellence, I am also concerned that they learn to work on their music/art with joyful hearts, with patience with themselves as they learn and grow, with efficiency (i.e., the ‘how to study for the greatest return’, so as to lessen frustrations), and with the goal in mind of letting their talent bring joy to others and give back to the One Who gave the talent.

I have been teaching privately and at the university and middle/high school level for over 40 years as well as being a church musician (and also working in educational administration and parish administration, and putting myself through university working as an office manager/bookkeeper/girl Friday, so I’m no stranger to the real world!). Teaching is my vocation, and I have very strong ideas about how one should teach and learn.

If you decide to study with me, you will find a place where you will learn and grow, where you will be challenged and taught with patience and goodwill and lots of humor and laughter and encouragement, where what you learn will affect not only your musical life but all of your life. I named my studio A Joyful Spirit Studio to reflect my core beliefs. I hope you will entrust yourself or your child to my teaching.