Special Policies Regarding Buddy Lessons
Buddy Lessons are offered for pairs of students starting at age 7: two children or teens within 1 year-to-18 months of age (can be siblings or not related–get together with your best friend!); or a parent/grandparent/aunt or uncle and child. These joint lessons are an excellent way to explore learning the piano.

Buddy lessons are 45 minutes long. Each ‘duo’ (pair of students) signs up for the academic year. Toward the end of each semester we evaluate the progress of both students and decide if they both wish to continue and how. The usual permutations are:

1) the students are working at the same rate of progress and we can continue working as a duo for another semester;

2) the students are working at different rates of progress and therefore need to continue as private students;

3) only one student wishes to continue as a private student.

Tuition for duet lessons (45 minutes) is almost 20% less per pupil than a semester of 30-minute private lessons, making it economical to explore the joys of playing the piano!

Please feel free to contact me with any questions about lessons–I am happy to answer them!